This isn't the story of how Luisauny and I met and she became part of our family. That is another story altogether. In fact, you can read some of it in the book (if you can read Spanish!).
I was already sort of working on another book set in Mexico but had tabled it with a crazy semester at school, Mt. Rushmore half marathon, my grandma passing, you get the idea. Anyway, about a week before Luisauny came to spend a week with us for Thanksgiving, a thought popped into my head. Why don't I write a book set in Dominican culture? Then, I thought oh my goodness - Luisauny! I can just tell her story!
Immediately when the idea came to me I had a slight panic. What if she says no? As the week went on and Lui's arrival got closer, I only felt stronger and stronger about telling her story. I knew it was intensely personal and wanted to make sure she was 100% comfortable about it or I wasn't going through with it. But I kept feeling such a push. This was bigger than both of us and meant to be!
When I talked to her about it, I was nervous. I didn't want to pressure her into it. Her reaction was excitement and she felt honored. Whew!
So how do you make someone's life, with all the complexities and moments, into a comprehensible reader? How do you make it a coherent story, having it all make sense and have a purpose? I thought about what Luisauny's personal goals are: to help people with their mental health and to bring God glory. Those were the two lenses I used when writing the book.
Thanksgiving week, Lui put up with a constant stream of questions about her childhood, and filling in other gaps I didn't know about her life. I began to write. I showed her the first two chapters as I wrote them and she approved. As I got into some harder things to write, I didn't want to show her anymore. I had to include the pain. I wanted to be authentic and I couldn't gloss that over, but I just couldn't let her read it until I got back to the good parts. So she didn't see another word until I finished the manuscript.
The book focuses on her battle with mental health growing up, from age 5 until the present. I struggled with whether or not to include myself and my family in it at all because it's not about me, but about her. However, ultimately we made it in because it made it a nice transition to living in the U.S.
As in Caras vemos with Mexican culture and Cuernavaca, I tried to write it in such a way that you feel like you are being immersed in Dominican culture, that you can imagine what it is like there, what the people are like. I gathered as many relevant photos and video clips to make it even more real.
When I finally finished, I sent it to Luisauny at the worst of times - she was leaving in 2 hours for the Dominican Republic for Christmas break and had no time to even sleep. She would have a sketchy connection while traveling around and in Bobita, so I had no idea when she would finally read it.
I practically wept with joy when I got the text from her (I've translated it to English here. She is perfectly fluent in English, but we always communicate in Spanish :)
"It MADE ME CRY. Honestly it was difficult to read many parts. But it just put everything into perspective. I was nervous about the book because it meant reliving so much, but it's done. I made it. Thank you for telling my story. It is an honor. Truly."

It was exactly what I hoped for- not that she suffered, but that she felt that she was reading her story. I knew I wanted to use book sales to donate to a mental health charity in the Dominican Republic, but I literally couldn't find any. Lui didn't know of any either.
So, I wondered - could we donate to the Children's Home right there in Bobita in a special fund designated for the mental health care of the children? I 100% trust Porfi and Carla who run it, as well as Paul and Barb here in the states who still have a hand in it.
You will never believe it, but they JUST started having a psychologist come to work with the children there once a week!! She has classes, like safe touching, etc. as well as meeting with them individually. Paul said the kids are really opening up to her too.
Psychologist working with children at the Children's Home in Bobita, DR |
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