Saturday, January 5, 2008


The eating thing is going well. It sure feels better to be eating healthier and not as much. It's so like every other kind of sin - we're enticed into indulging, as the idol promises fulfillment, yet we're left empty and remorseful.

Anyway, I'm mostly feeling fortunate right now to have been a part of a prayer vigil at my church. There is just something special about being a part of a body that is seeking God's guidance first and foremost, laying all of its plans, hurts and cares at His feet, trusting that He is in control and has our best interests at heart. It was also so peaceful to just spend some quiet time in prayer in a different place without distraction. I believe God hears my prayers and that they benefit those I'm praying for and glorify God, however an added benefit is what prayer does to my own heart. When I am focused on prayer, it gives me such perspective. He helps me to know what to pray for and often times make a change in me instead of the person or situation I'm praying about!

I hope you find time in all the craziness of whatever is battling for your time to shut the world out and turn your heart to God in quiet prayer. I will do the same!

1 comment:

Shane Coffman said...

Yeah! Theresa's back!

I was at a mall eating lunch today in the food court and it was amazing how my perspective changed when I stopped to ask God to give me the eyes of a minister as I sat there eating. All of a sudden I began to notice and intercede for frustrated Mom's trying to eat lunch and keep control of kids, for overloaded business men eating alone, for retired couples enjoying lunch together. I agree - it's amazing what prayer does to your perspective. Instead of judging people, you begin to feel their pains and struggles.