Thursday, January 17, 2008

fortunate yet freaking

Today was such a lovely birthday! My students all insisted on singing "las maƱanitas" (Mexican birthday song), my teacher friends had a special lunch for me, and my husband and daughter treated me like a queen. I'm so blessed!

That being said, every time I even think about the exam I have to take for National Board Certification, I get so nervous it makes me ill. Honestly, last spring when I started looking through the sections of the exam, my first impression was "no problem." I wish I felt that way now! I actually hyperventilate when I even think about it. I think deep down, I know I have it in me, but I have such test anxiety that I fear will overcome me and that affects how I do. "We have nothing to fear but fear itself" is not comforting at all to me, it's just the plain truth! I wish I could just be rid of this stupid anxiety. It makes me angry that it grips me so, despite my efforts to trust in God and just let it go.

I'm trying to decide when to schedule the rest of the exam right now and have no idea when would be best - some are doing theirs right after the portfolio is due (end of March) because everything will be fresh in mind, and others are waiting to have more time to study. I have to take section 1 on May 10th, but am just not sure when to do the other 5 sections (have to do them all at once). I have some serious praying to do for 1) God's guidance in making the right decision and 2) for me to be able to overcome my anxiety, giving my worries to God and trusting He will take care of them.

1 comment:

Franklin Wood said...

Good luck! Keep us posted on everything. I'm sure you'll blow that exam out of the water!