Sunday, July 7, 2013

DR: Day 7- Worship, a hike, movie night!

Today was very nice – we had a worship service on the pad. Pastor Porfirio (Porfi), his wife and children came and he talked about how we respond when there is a storm, inspired by the time Jesus calmed the storm in Matthew 8. There was no translation for those who didn’t understand Spanish, but the kids said they understood quite a bit, as he repeated and they had the passage to read in their bibles. We sang some songs in Spanish, some in English and we took communion. Logan did an excellent job of sharing some thoughts in English before the Lord’s supper, as did Jeffrey in Spanish. Garrett said the closing prayer and did a very nice job too. At one point, there was a sudden breeze that, I don’t know, just gave me chills and moved me almost to tears, as if the Holy Spirit were in our midst.

Later, we took a hike and climbed a mountain.

We had to cross 3 barb wire fences. Renay, Franklin, Jeremy, Jeff R, Jarisa, all the Dominican kids: Niño (Anderson), Cristopher, Oscar, Francis, Nene, Adrian, Jeffrey and I can’t remember who else. It wasn’t long, but the view from the top was pretty – and you can just barely see the ocean from there. We came back to spaghetti, salad and garlic bread for lunch. Then, we went to the children’s home. We brought stickers and fruit snacks – which we also shared with those we ran into on the road along the way. Playing with the kids was so fun. I tried and failed miserably to play Gotcha (you have to make a basket before the person behind you or you’re out and if you make it before the person in front of you, they’re out). Troy almost beat Jeremy! I also played a little just shooting baskets with Francis, Ariel (Bonju) and Miranda. By the way, Francis is little but he plays volleyball as well as the big kids! When we got sick of shooting hoops, we did something like 4-square. I would make Francis giggle by looking at him, but bouncing it to another person and he would do the same.

It was difficult to leave them, but we were going to see them at the movie later that day. I showered before they made an announcement that there wasn’t enough water for everyone to shower. Well, when they announced it, I was covered in soap and shampoo, so it was a bit late. We had devo before dinner since right after, we had to get things ready for movie night. More about that later. Dinner was boiled yucca, onions, fried cheese and salad. I love to eat all the food here together- especially the cold elements on top, like the cheese with tomatoes and lettuce on top. Some people didn’t like the yucca and onions (the yucca is just like boiled potatoes!), but everyone went crazy over the fried cheese.

The movie wasn’t so bad, but it was nothing special either, Magorium’s Wonder Emporium or something like that. I didn’t watch it closely, as my heart was just too full from devo and all the necessary goodbyes that are coming, so I partly journaled and partly listened, sitting in a place where I couldn’t see the English subtitles. With the poles on the pad, there were a lot of "bad" seats, so I took one where I just could see the top 2/3 or so of the screen. I was able to understand it fine, though. The others from Southwest read the subtitles and compared it to what they heard. When they asked me later how they translated something, I wasn’t able to help much since I hadn’t seen the English, althought I knew what happened in the movie.

After the movie, the teens and I hung out talking with Franklin. While the kids picked out the last of the popcorn from the pan, we talked about how to continue the work once we get home. Franklin suggested the Heartland Hope Mission, which used to be A Mission for All Nations. I think that would be fabulous – there are so many opportunities there.

I'll end today telling about my favorite/most emotional time of the day: devo. During the devo, which was held in our new favorite place, the 2nd floor of the school, was incredible. Jim shared, very emotionally, a few verses from Paul (Phil. 1:3-11) that talk about how he’s going to love and remember a particular church. Jim said that in his bible he was going to have to, right next to GVBC (Green Valley Bible Camp) write DR. I knew exactly what that meant and began to cry and couldn’t stop. Meredith later noted that she never cries, but when her dad started to, she couldn’t help it. This place is so special and I will never forget it. Each person here is so special and I love them with my whole heart. I have learned things about myself and others that I want to keep learning. I am not the same me as before, and I don’t want to be.

Philippians 1:3-11
I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.

It is right for me to feel this way about all of you, since I have you in my heart and, whether I am in chains or defending and confirming the gospel, all of you share in God’s grace with me. God can testify how I long for all of you with the affection of Christ Jesus.
And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ—to the glory and praise of God.

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