Tuesday, July 2, 2013

DR: Day 5 -Work day!

Today is Work Day. We are going to either paint or rebuild the bridge at the bottom of the hill over the river. We will split into two groups, half doing one, half the other.
It’s now 4pm and here we are on the pad as it rains buckets. Troy has had many opportunities to use his favorite Spanish phrase- “está lloviendo gatos y perros” (it’s raining cats and dogs), which he shouts proudly at the first drop of rain J Honestly, I don’t know if it’s possible to rain harder than it is right now. It’s a bit chilly – I’m glad of that! We’re even cold! But we’re relishing it J

I’m sorry for writing just a tad here and there, but I’m finally in bed – I think everyone was so tired after our work day – it’s only 10:30. Well, today we all went to the river to get rocks to reinforce the bridge.
We picked them out and passed them in the form of an assembly line to people on the Daihatsu until we had about a ton of rocks, no exaggeration. Then, they put wire netting where the road was sinking and in assembly line format passed the rocks to be tossed into the netting, which they later filled with concrete. That’s apparently how it’s done! I must note that Garrett found a rock shaped like Nebraska. It’s like a part of Nebraska is now part of the bridge, like we continue to support our friends in the DR. It was lunch time for lunch before we knew it. The job was so easy with the help of so many. Even the neighbors came and helped and it was they who stayed to help Steven with the cement as we went to lunch.

I like how we all worked together instead of some of us painting and others helping with the bridge. We all felt like such a “community.”

As we headed back to Manna, Harrison (Cory and Laura Beth’s 4 year old son) was tired and wanted a piggy back ride, and I did it with great pleasure. I practically ran and passed almost everyone (uphill!), but seeing that, Jeff had to run past and Jeremy too, carrying the cooler full of wáter. So macho, lol. Seriously though, they are beasts- especially Jeff, who eats nails for breakfast.

Lunch was so good – rice, crispy plaintains and Dominican chicken. They said they killed the chicken today – he gave his life for a good cause, in my opinion. Today it was my group’s turn to do the dishes, which meant we had to do the dishes twice- after lunch and dinner. No complaints from us – we had two fantastic meals out of the deal (tacos for dinner), and when everyone works together, it’s fun.
(I realize the picture above is not my group, but I didn't have a picture of us doing dishes!) Painting in the afternoon was fun. Troy and I did the edges and Meredith and Morgan the walls and ceiling of the bathrooms.
We sang together and it was gorgeous – the acoustics of the bathroom helped me and Troy’s voice is so deep and beautiful, I could listen to it all day.
After we were done, Keelia, Larissa and I washed the paint brushes, rollers and pans. It had rained while we were painting, but not when we were washing with a limited water supply ha ha! At least a bunch of the girls were quick thinkers and showered in the rain, even shampooing their hair!
After a very necessary shower, which of course didn’t get all the paint off, we rehearsed the skit for tomorrow’s VBS. I forgot to mention – most of the teens went to the children’s home to play with the kids again – something they do every day. They have such tender hearts, they inspire me. Then for our devo, we were so proud of our newly painted school that we brought chairs up there. It was an unforgettable experience – the acoustics, the shadows, everyone praising the Lord.

After our devo, we presented our skit to the missionaries and interns. At the advice of Jarisa and Chad, we changed “cállate, idiota” (shut up, stupid) to “¿eres tonta?” (are you a moron?) because it was a bit too strong. Besides that, well, and the fact the kids needed to speak louder, they liked it.

I am fighting hard against my nature – to worry, obsess, trying to control everything. It is what it is, I have to let go. I am so proud of the teens and know they will do well. What’s more, they are sooo good with kids; that’s really the most important thing. I know that Jesus is going to use them tomorrow and I hope He uses me too and that my “type A” doesn’t kick in lol! Seriously, I’m praying about it.

1 comment:

Karen said...

Love hearing the part about singing in the bathroom. I miss Troy's voice. Singing with him was always one of my favorite things to do.