Monday, April 4, 2011


Well, it's barely been two full days, and I feel pretty good. I would be lying if I said that I wasn't tempted- and a lot!- by a cup of coffee or a Diet Coke. Oddly enough, the food part has been easy. I haven't been hungry or craving junk- it actually feels good to eat better. I also like how I feel drinking more water. I have had such a headache, though! I didn't think I was so addicted to caffeine, but this headache has persisted since yesterday evening! Ibuprofen helps, but exercising works better :)

Overall, I'm so glad to be freed from this pull, from my compulsion to munch on junk I find lying around. I'm looking forward to completely "detoxing" and feeling the pull less and less of these idols. God is good!

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