Friday, March 25, 2011

Turning into my parents

It seems odd because they're so much older than me (they're my parents!), but I feel so connected to my parents that I feel like I'm going through so many things together with them. For example:

*My mom and I went through/are going through menopause together (mind you, mine was surgically induced)

*Recently my right eye gets very bloodshot when I don't get enough sleep. It never used to do that, and mom's does the same thing (never used to).

*I feel my dad and I are on the same spiritual plane. He recently told me he felt ready to go "home" just like I felt yesterday (still feel). I remember thinking - I might feel like that some day. Well, some day is here sooner than I thought!

Here is the kicker: I got a mailing from...*drum roll, please*... AARP. Seriously. I just turned 39, for heaven's sake!

All in all, I could do a lot worse than turning out to be my parents. However, I just thought it would be several more years!

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