Monday, February 17, 2014

Rock bottom

This is not so much of a composed entry as it is just pouring out of what is in my heart. I will probably add more context later, but here is what just poured out of me this afternoon, tearful, shaky voice to text in my phone in the car. I was so discouraged, just felt really down, to the point of tears. Then as I was listening to "Nos levantaremos" by Kari Jobe, it just came over me like a rush. This is where I need to be...

I just praise you Lord right now because I know how much I need you. Why is it in order to feel your presence I have to feel so broken down Lord? I praise you for the broken state I'm in right now, the utter wretchedness. I was so discouraged, and now I realize I just feel you so near me right now. I know what Paul meant when he said that his soul praises you for his weakness. Without falling apart I wouldn't know what your great comfort was like I do right now.

Then I came across this on Facebook. Coincidence? I don't believe it.

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