Ever since the trip to the DR, I have just been looking for that sense of being "in" His will, just depending on Him and serving Him daily. It was such a fulfilling time - I knew I was exactly where I needed to be, and He filled me up, not food, TV, work or any other vice. I was overflowing with a sense of purpose and just feeling so incredibly blessed to connect with others who love him too, and being able to bless them too.
Telling the story of Joseph in Rio San Juan, Dominican Republic |
When I got back, I applied to volunteer, sought every opportunity to serve, continued my daily devotional time and vowed to continue in His will, never going back. Reading
Kisses from Katie and her
blog, it is just so inspiring the amazing, beautiful things the Lord does through her every day in Uganda. However, no matter how intense the spiritual growth is that occurs in "mountain top living," the depth of it is really proved when you come down. I seem to be losing the intensity I had, the deep need to spend quietly with Him.
Today, my former student "Patrick" came back and we had another intense conversation. He did go and talk to his counselor, but he feels worse because now his feelings are really starting to emerge. Instead of appearing to have it all together and overachieving in school, yet being depressed, filled with anger and dead on the inside, he's starting to fall apart, lose control and actually feel something. I assured him it is a necessary step and mainly listened. There were even times where I just felt words coming out of my mouth, saying things I would never have thought to bring up myself, but perhaps just what he needed. I felt God working through me, right where I was.
The sky tonight on my way home |
And then it hit me.
God, this is it. I've been looking for just anything to bring back that purpose I felt,
just to find the new me that came back from the DR. And I suddenly was just overcome with joy and felt a rush of love - the Spirit. This is it! I'm exactly where He wants me to be. I feel like God has put me right here for a reason. The students at my school may not be materially destitute, but they are hurting, so many of them are just spiritually bankrupt, desperately broken. They need Jesus and I can show them His love.
Funny I had to go thousands of miles from home all to find that I was already where I needed to be all along.
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