I just came from meeting with my "family," or my together group (which I still always call "life group"!). This is one of the few things in my life that is unstructured and low key. I won't lie, I've had to refocus myself a few times to not be frustrated that we weren't doing something instead of just hanging around.
Tonight the events went something like this: fixing Connie's screen door, sharing prayer requests/answered prayers and things we are grateful for, a prayer, singing a few songs, a closing prayer and dessert. I really like hanging with an almost 12 year old girl who doesn't open up immediately, but is funny and sweet with me now. We are such a hodge-podge group that despite living close are really from opposite ends of the spectrum in socioeconomic class, ethnicity, education, age, you name it, but we're family. We share, play, fight, rejoice in each other's highs and put each other in our place.
Earlier today, I just had songs in my heart and longed to praise God together with them. So, I brought up the idea to sing. We don't have the best voices, but I think God has a converter that runs on heart, turning our sad attempts into something beautiful!
I am also able to share with them without pretense. Jeff read an email I got from a parent today. It almost made me cry! I'll let you read part of it:
"I hope with all my heart you don’t get tired of hearing this, but thank you for all you do for your students—my son most certainly included!!!
You just go so far and above the call of duty for your students!!! It is obvious how much you care, and how much you truly want them to learn.
The Millard school district is so fortunate to have you, and so are we!!!!!
You are truly one of the most gifted and giving teachers any one of our children have ever had.
Thank you so very much!!!!!"
I can't tell you how much that meant to me - I probably don't have to. I want to pull it out every time I have a bad day or wonder if what I'm doing is making a difference. I never wanted to brag or come across as seeking glory, and that isn't why I want to share this. It just touched me so much I wanted my family to experience my joy.
I hope you have family like I do. I don't mean the one who raised you. I love my hubby, daughter, parents, sibs, and nothing can separate us. But, you know what? These guys are my family too, because of a cross.
1 comment:
Hey Theresa! Found you by way of your comment at Jim's blog. Glad you've joined the ranks of bloggers!
I know exactly what you're talking about, though and I really miss my "family" there in Omaha. We haven't found family here yet, even after almost 2 years here. Hopefully we will soon.
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