Tuesday, January 1, 2019

"More social, less media"

I read a blog last week- I think it was Kelly Ferguson - that talked about focus. That is something I struggle with, as teachers aren’t really allowed to do that. We have all the balls in the air and if we focus on one, the rest fall down. Yet we do have to find a way to put some of the balls down and limit the distractions.

That blog got me thinking... and out of no where, into my head popped these four words:

“more social, less media”

Honestly, I wasn’t even sure what it meant, but it resonated. I told that inner voice - “nice word play, I’ll think about it.”

Well I’ve been thinking about it for a week and now it’s 2019 and the new year is here. I’ve prayed about it, meditated on it, slept on it, and it’s not going away. This is it- we have a winner!

So... what does it mean? Well, I’m a believer, so while I may make some plans, I know God is going to determine how they all turn out. I’ll find out as I go exactly where this takes me, but for now, here’s the vibe I’m getting:

1. Less time on social media
Obvious, right? Put limits on the time spent on Facebook, Twitter. I’m using “screentime” on my iphone. This is tough because this is a large part of the professional development I do, but I think it needs to be done. I honestly feel like I don’t know what’s happening if I’m off Facebook. It has become where I find out current events, what is up with my family and friends. However, there is also mindless scrolling and reading pointless articles. Worse than that - especially after being on Twitter - I find myself feeling “less than.” I find myself seeking affirmation, then feeling unvalued when I don’t get it and others seem to. Really, everyone’s tweeting but who is listening?

Intentional limits are necessary.

2. Less technology period
It just takes so much time to learn about every new innovation, which is my thing. I get caught up in the excitement and creating a fun lesson. I want everything to be perfect, but that isn’t possible in a balanced life. If I’m being honest, while I’ve connected with many using technology, it has negatively affected my relationships with those closest to me.

I’ve gained almost 20 lbs. since the summer. I leave for school at 6:30am and get home 5-7pm. Then, I will even work at home. This is not sustainable. Yes, I’m very proud of what I’ve accomplished this semester, but I need to be okay with less.

3. Face time over screen time
I've worked hard at building community in my classroom - kids interacting, putting the phones away, but how about my life? When I'm with my husband or daughter, I need to put my phone and computer away.

4. Listen more
There are people who process and take things in carefully before taking a step. I am not one of those people. When I'm listening or reading something, it usually sparks an idea, then another, then another and I'm gone - I'm mentally planning, if not actually doing something else. There is a time for that, but it also prevents me from being as good a listener as I should be.

Be still.

When I was in the Dominican Republic on mission trips, we had 30 minutes of quiet time. You read your bible, prayed, walked, only it had to be quiet. I miss that. I have it some days, but need it every day. Listen to His voice.

I also need to listen to those around me. To what they are actually saying, try to get rid of my filters and read them, where they are coming from.

5. Retreat, self care
It seems counterintuitive that stepping away from people and focusing on taking care of me is part of a goal of being more social.

"put on your oxygen mask first"
If I eat unhealthy food, in excess, don't exercise, don't sleep enough, don't have quiet time for spiritual renewal daily (to each of these, I must raise my hand: guilty!), I will NEVER be as enjoyable to be around, nor as kind, compassionate or patient, nor as genuinely concerned for them as I am called to be. I may feel annoyed, resentful, angry or just overwhelmed being around them because I'm functioning at reduced capacity.

I joined Weight Watchers and am working on adding physical activity almost daily. I will reinstate quiet time first thing in the morning.

This is where I'm feeling led today. I will resist my perfectionistic nature and walk intentionally forward with the mantra "more social, less media" and see where the Lord takes me.

How about you? What is your mantra for 2019?

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