Sunday, August 2, 2015

But how do I REALLY know God exists?

A few weeks ago I found myself defending God's existence a lot, sharing my faith with those in doubt - answering questions like, "how do you know God even exists?," "What if it's all a lie?" "You'll never really know which of us is right until we die anyway." Well, most of them were questions.

I testified of my Heavenly Father who cares personally for me, who has on a great number of occasions unmistakably made His presence known to me. I can't just point to one incident, there have been so many - He changed my mind about something, put a voice in my head, made things fall into place, acted or spoke through another person, created a natural phenomenon, gave me a dream or just filled my spirit or changed my heart. I believe in the Bible and that its consistency and accuracy are undeniable to the one who comes to seriously examine it with an open mind and heart. I always point to the scriptures; they contain my story too. They are how I know these experiences are from God.

I've known God my whole life. I grew up knowing He was there and cared for me. I've prayed to Him and known He was always watching me. Throughout life, I have continued to walk with Him.

Yet that night as I lie in my bed, a small doubt crept in my heart. How DO I know He's real, that He really cares for me? 

Even at the time, I was uncomfortable admitting doubt. I guess it's like how we need to hear "I love you" from those we care for most more than just once. It feels good to hear it, it's reassuring, it fills us.

I prayed, "Lord, would you give me a sign?" I was just feeling empty, wanting to really know He was there and loved me. I added, "I don't need it, I know You're there, but it would be nice."

I felt a little more peaceful and remained awake, but not really thinking about it anymore. Then I realized there was a hand on my head, slightly caressing my hair, but mostly just warm and gently resting there. I closed my eyes for a moment, feeling grateful for the comfort of the loving touch. The hand lifted and I rolled over, expecting to see Jeff's outstretched arm, but there were his feet! His arms were above his head under his pillow as he lie there asleep.

I should mention our ceiling fan is above the foot of the bed and I'm always hot, so I usually sleep with my head at that end and Jeff's feet get hot, so he is the opposite.

As the realization kicked in that God Himself had given me this sweet gesture of His love, I was overcome with joy and gratitude. Did I need that? I mean, would I have honestly doubted Him or His love for me? Of course not, but that is the kind of Heavenly Father I have. As though giving His Son for my eternal salvation weren't enough, He showers love down on this imperfect, weak child of His, never accusing but just loving me. I can't comprehend it, but I am grateful.

I dare you to do the same. I don't mean put Him to the test like a magic trick, but just really trust Him, love Him, reach out to Him. Don't be surprised that He's there. Don't be shocked when He fills your life with His presence or does something precious just to show you He loves you. Just you wait and see how beautiful life can be with the One who loves you deeply and perfectly!

"Taste and see that the Lord is good, 
blessed is the one who takes refuge in Him."
                                                -Psalm 34:8

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