Saturday, June 20, 2015

En route, part 1

This time I was much less disciplined about journaling. Sometimes I wrote in Spanish, others in English. Last time I always did in Spanish, and this time I just went with whatever felt easier which was about half and half. Also, I jotted down bits here and there. I will need to fill in the gaps with my memory (this could be trouble, folks!).

Here we go!

Monday, July 8, 2015
This time the whole group arrived and left at almost the exact same time and we would land in Miami at 5:30pm. Our group would connect in Chicago and the other in Dallas.

We saw Nigel, another kid from Southwest who was on his way to Peru and it turns out Emily Kaissling's dad was flying to Malaysia on the same flight as the Dallas group. What a coincidence!

This time I thought I wasn't worrying and that I was so much more calm, but I'm not so sure.True, last time you may recall I was freaking out and had a rash all over my body. This time I was fine, then yesterday I just started feeling panicky. I prayed and breathed deeply, which helped, but it comes back when I stop.

Tonight I brought dinner (roast pork, strawberry shortcake) to Jeff's folks' house and we all shared a meal. We thought we'd drop off the fish and Hannah and be on our way, but ended up staying a few hours. Hannah who's all grown up at 13 and too cool for such things, actually asked for a group hug with Jeff and me and was as clingy as a teen can be with her parents and still maintain her dignity. This of course made it much harder for her guilt ridden parents who were dumping their one and only for a week and a half. The ride home was hard and we felt a little empty. We knew she was in good hands, though.

Thanks again to all of our amazing family (and friends) who cared for Hannah: Harley and Kathy, Lloyd and Mary, Jillian, Maddie Lou ;), Laurie, Caryn and Cory. You're the best!

Jeff and I both slept well, getting up at 5 and arriving at the airport check in just before 7. We parked in long term parking and rode the shuttle which ended up costing us almost $60. Now I know why I always get a ride to the airport!

Goldie was the first one there with everyone else arriving shortly after, the parents with small kids being the last ones just before 7:30. It must be so difficult to leave your small children so long!

Our plane was tiny and we were in the very last seats, right in front of the bathroom (row 18). We must have been right on top of the engines because we couldn't even carry on a conversation, it was so loud!

When the airplane took off, I just felt so light, it was as if all my worries just fell away and I was free. The panic was gone.

That will be all for today. Hard to believe I need a whole other day just to get past the first few hours of the day, but you'll see!

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