Sunday, December 30, 2007


NBPTS (National Board for Professional Teaching Standards). I'm going for certification in EAYA-WLOE (Early Adolescent to Young Adulthood - World Languages Other Than English) - Whew! How's that for some acronyms?

Yeah, I should really be working on my entries right now, but I'm just going to take a moment to post. Most of my waking hours it seems go into working on National Board Certification. I love that Hannah, being 6, doesn't just let me work. I mean, sometimes she does, but I need someone who will kick me out of workaholic mode. I love my job so much it's actually my hobby! At least that's the way I think of it - I'm always coming up with a new idea for a lesson or doing something with technology for school. However, the Board Certification stuff is actually work. You have to be so mentally "in the zone" to do it. It's so worth it, though. I really have analyzed my teaching on such a different level. It's not about creating some fluffy lesson plans; you videotape yourself, analyze and reflect based on worthy standards in 4 entries (~16 pages each, and you are cutting out everything possible to get it all to fit!). Oh, and there's a hideous 4-hour exam too. Only 1/3 of people pass the first time, and I intend to be one of them - I, or more like my husband, needs this to be over in June. My sacrifices are their sacrifices, and so onward I go.

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