Saturday, February 2, 2008

n-lighten nebraska

Okay, so it's official. I've got a goal! Through work, Jeff and I as a team joined "n-lighten nebraska" which is an initiative to adopt a more healthy lifestyle. There are divisions for weight loss and increased activity - and we're doing both! It all just seemed to fall in my lap. I was more stressed out from National Boards and was just eating lots of junk, and someone at work brought it up to the group and I knew I was in.

So far (only 2 days in, I know) I've started exercising and really eating healthy and in moderation. My goal - lofty, I know - is to lose 30 lbs. The contest goes February 1st - May 1st, which isn't much time to lose so much, but I'm determined. This is a record of my commitment, mark my words!