Monday, April 2, 2007

No tengas miedo! Don't be afraid!

I hope no one is frightened away by my page being in Spanish. Most of my entries will still be in English. Maybe you'll learn a little Spanish - after all, you can guess with the dates, profile, etc since they're the same categories as other pages. Most of the time I'm pretty bilingual, but in the summer at times I'm away from Spanish enough it feels a little unnatural and when I'm immersed in Spanish, like when I go to San Antonio it's harder to speak or write in English. As always, I'm not writing because anyone's reading, but because it's what's on my heart or what I feel urged to write. Nonetheless, I've received encouragement from comments, and don't want anyone to be frightened away by the language barrier!

Love them Odells!

We just got back from staying at "Odell Hotel" as they call it, that is our friend Dennis and Caroline's house in Overland Park, KS. I can't believe it's over already :( Time went so fast, as we just hung out and had a great time! There are some people who you can just pick right up where you left off with, and the Odells are those people for us. They are such sweet, interesting people, we don't quite know what they see in us, but we're grateful nonetheless. Right before we left, Caroline told me she just hoped how much they cared about us was apparent in their actions. I told Jeff and he was incredulous - "Did she actually say that?" They treated us to lovely meals, spent their every waking hour with us after only being home a few days from being on a cruise (where luggage was stolen!) for a week and a half. They are such giving people and we feel blessed to call them friends. I wish I could spend more time with them because I feel like I would be a better person if I did. Our kids get along so well too - bonus!

I guess it just goes back to what I was saying about family. These guys are such a perfect example of what we have in Christ. I'm not saying they're obligated and that's why we're friends, but He is definitely the center of our relationship, and it's so much richer than any friendship I could have with someone who doesn't know Christ.

We really enjoyed church too, despite our disappointment and the Sparks being in Greece! I was SO looking forward to seeing them! The theme was the cross and how it was such an April fool's joke on Satan. The preacher used the Greek acrostic "stauros" which means "cross." I think my favorite part was when we wrote what Christ meant to us on a card and came up and dropped it at the foot of the cross on the stage. Bible class was really good too. The topic was Elijah and how God was growing him, particularly with the widow and her son who had nothing to eat. The elder teaching at one point began to refer to Psalm 46, and I knew exactly where he was going! It was "Be still and know..." Funny that particular psalm has so been on my heart, what with me having read it so much (see a few posts ago) and we sang (my request) "Be still and know" on Wednesday. God is getting my attention!